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“2019 年全球华人生物学家大会暨第十七届美洲华人生物科学学会学术研讨会”(The17thSCBA International Symposium)将于2019年7月24日至7月28日在云南昆明云安会都酒店召开。

本次会议由美洲华人生物科学学会、云南大学和中国遗传学会共同主办,云南大学承办;大会主席由美洲华人生物科学学会理事长刘溥,云南大学校学术委员会主席、原副校长张克勤,中国遗传学会理事长薛勇彪共同担任。大会围绕“Bioscience for All, All for Bioscience”主题,下设十个专题,将集中展示生物医学、生物多样性、农业和植物科学等多个领域的最新研究进展,会议规模1300-1500人。

大会将邀请2012年诺贝尔奖获得Brian Kobilka教授、美国科学院院士、中国科学院(工程院)院士等一批国际知名生物学家交流生命科学研究的前沿进展。会议将邀请Cell/Science/Cell Research等知名刊物的主编分享科研论文在写作、投稿、发表过程中的相关技巧与经验。会议还将举办一个SCBA主席特别论坛,讨论人类基因组编辑。诚邀国内外广大学者参加此次盛会!


1.Biotech and Biopharm
Drug development and biomarker

2.Cancer Research
Signaling, mechanisms, and therapy

3.Gene Regulation and RNA Biology 
Transcription, RNA processing, non-coding RNA and post translational modification

4.Genomic Biology and Genetic Diseases
Genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, gene function and deficiencies

5.Immunity, Infection and Inflammation
Virus, microbe, vaccine, immunology, autoimmune diseases and other inflammatory diseases such as organ or tissue injury

6.Metabolic Diseases

Diabetes, obesity and other metabolic related diseases

7.Neuroscience, Aging and Degenerative Diseases 
Neural development and function, Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders 

8. Plant Biology and Agricultural Sciences

Plant and agriculture related science

9. Developmental Biology, Stem Cell, Gene & Cell Therapy
Developmental biology, model organisms, stem cells, and cell and gene therapy
10. Technology Platforms and Development
Structural biology, imaging, sequencing, mass-spectrometry, genome-editing, informatics and other novel technologies